Пакет акцій розміром 24.7198% статутного капіталу ПрАТ "Перемишлянський приладобудівний завод "Модуль"

Payment is expected
till 08.07.19
The agreement is paid. The decree is expected
till 18.06.19
Period of fulfillment of the terms of sale (period of appeal)
till 18.06.22
The object privatization is completed.
The object privatization is completed.

Contract details

Contract amount 119`220.50 uah (not including WAT)  
Agreement number no data  
Date of signing 08.05.2019  
Type of announcement Announcement of the auction for the sale of small-scale privatization objects by method of step-by-step of lowering the starting price  

Information about Supplier

Name of legal entity Турчик Олег Миколайович  
USREOU code 2906007697  
Legal address 44101, Україна, Волинська область, Ратне, Серпнева 13 кв.6  

Documents of contract / changes

Signed agreement
Decree on confirmation of privatization

Nomenclature of the contract

Пакет акцій розміром 24.7198% статутного капіталу ПрАТ "Перемишлянський приладобудівний завод "Модуль" (ЄДРПОУ 05777118) в кількості 5961025 штук акцій загальною номінальною вартістю 1490256,25 грн.
CAV-PS code: 08110000-0 - Корпоративні права Акціонерного товариства
unknown (not applicable)
24.7198 відсоток


The status of the fulfillment of the stipulated conditions at a specific time point Completed  
Period type Waiting for payment  
Date when the deadline for action within Maystone runs out 08.07.2019 18:00  
Date when the relevant conditions were fulfilled 28.05.2019 14:50  
Date of period editing 07.06.2019 14:52  
The status of the fulfillment of the stipulated conditions at a specific time point Completed  
Period type Completion of privatization  
Date when the deadline for action within Maystone runs out 18.06.2019 18:00  
Date when the relevant conditions were fulfilled 18.06.2019 17:35  
Date of period editing 18.06.2019 17:41  
The status of the fulfillment of the stipulated conditions at a specific time point Waiting for payment  
Period type Fulfillment of terms of sale  
Date when the deadline for action within Maystone runs out 18.06.2022 17:35  

Contract in CDB

ID 926f9fdfe0d043ae95f94fd7c5f31dc9  
ContractID UA-PS-2019-03-13-000052-2-11