from 15.04.2020

Information Message ID: UA-LR-SSP-2020-04-15-000004-1  
?:lot api id internal 578321dc55d04d4d89194197ab5eb4f7  
?:relatedProcesses asset UA-AR-P-2020-01-09-000054-1  
The initial sale price of the lot is
139`026.00 uah (not including WAT)
Warning! Additionally, VAT may be charged


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USREOU code/ ITN  
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The information message has been announced
Publication of an information message

Information message

Decision on the approval of the terms of sale / Decision on approval of the list of objects, or inclusion of a new object in the list

Наказ Регіонального відділення "Про прийняття рішення про приватизацію обєкта малої приватизації державної власності: "Будівля недіючої районної електричної підстанції"
28 from 21.01.2020

Documentation to the Information message

?:lot doctype x_PlatformLegalDetails
Перелік та реквізити авторизованих електронних майданчиків
Published: 15.04.2020 14:22
Last update date:15.04.2020 14:22
інформаційне повідомлення
Published: 15.04.2020 14:24
Last update date:15.04.2020 14:24
Information about the object of small privatization
Published: 15.04.2020 14:24
Last update date:15.04.2020 14:24

Contact person


Auction type: Auction. Auction status: Planned.

Lots are exhibited 1  
Auction start date 14.05.2020  
The initial sale price 139`026.00 uah  
The minimum step of the auction 1`390.26 uah  
The size of the guarantee fee 13`902.60 uah  

?:lot auction bankAccount title

Information about Treasury accounts for settlements for purchased objects  
The name of the bank Державна казначейська служба України, м. Київ  
USREOU 21295778  
MFO 820172  
Account number in the bank UA948201720355539001000001233  

Auction type: Auction with lowering the starting price. Auction status: Planned.

Lots are exhibited 2  
The period for submitting offers, days 30  
The initial sale price 69`513.00 uah  
The minimum step of the auction 695.13 uah  
The size of the guarantee fee 6`951.30 uah  

?:lot auction bankAccount title

Information about Treasury accounts for settlements for purchased objects  
The name of the bank Державна казначейська служба України, м. Київ  
USREOU 21295778  
MFO 820172  
Account number in the bank UA948201720355539001000001233  

Auction type: Auction is based on the step-by-step method of lowering the starting price and subsequent submission of price offers. Auction status: Planned.

Lots are exhibited 3  
The period for submitting offers, days 30  
The initial sale price 69`513.00 uah  
The size of the guarantee fee 6`951.30 uah  

?:lot auction bankAccount title

Information about Treasury accounts for settlements for purchased objects  
The name of the bank Державна казначейська служба України, м. Київ  
USREOU 21295778  
MFO 820172  
Account number in the bank UA948201720355539001000001233