What documents should be downloaded when registering an offer for an auction on the sale of a small privatization object?

For individuals:

1)    application for participation in privatization;

2)     Ukrainian citizen’s passport copy (for citizens of Ukraine) or a copy of the document, that indentificates person (for foreign citizens);

3)    a document confirming the payment of the registration fee;

4)    a document confirming the payment of the guarantee fee;

5)    written consent of potential buyer regarding the assumption of obligations, determined by the terms of sale.

For individual entrepreneurs:

1)    application for participation in privatization;

2)    Ukrainian citizen’s passport copy (for citizens of Ukraine) or a copy of the document, that indentificates person (for foreign citizens);

3)   extract from National State Registry of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and public entities of Ukraine, information in which corresponds to the current data, which are posted by the link (for citizens) or a registration document in the state of location (extract from a commercial, bank or judicial register, etc.), certified in accordance with the law of the state of its issuance, translated into Ukrainian (for non-citizens);

4)    last annual or quarterly financial reporting.  If the Individual Entrepreneur has been created recently, a written explanation is given in an arbitrary form on the reasons for the lack of reporting;

5)    a document confirming the payment of the registration fee;

6)    a document confirming the payment of the guarantee fee;

7)      written consent of potential buyer regarding the assumption of obligations, determined by the terms of sale.

For legal entities:

1)     application for participation in privatization;

2)      extract from National State Registry of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and public entities of Ukraine, information in which corresponds to the current data, which are posted by the link (for citizens) or a registration document in the state of location (extract from a commercial, bank or judicial register, etc.), certified in accordance with the law of the state of its issuance, translated into Ukrainian (for non-citizens);

3)   information about the ultimate beneficial owner. Data on ultimate beneficial owners is in the excerpt from the National State Registry.If the founders of a legal entity are only individuals, then they are the ultimate beneficial owners, and may not be listed separately. If the founders of the legal entity are other legal entities, and data on end-beneficial owners have not been disclosed, then such a potential participant should provide an explanation of the reasons for their absence;

4)     last annual or quarterly financial reporting.  If the Individual Entrepreneur has been created recently, a written explanation is given in an arbitrary form on the reasons for the lack of reporting;

5)      a document confirming the payment of the registration fee;

6)      a document confirming the payment of the guarantee fee;

7)       written consent of potential buyer regarding the assumption of obligations, determined by the terms of sale.


Pay attention!  In case of a participant's victory, he is obligated together with the signed protocol submit all originals and properly certified copies of documents, which were submitted by him for participation in the auction. The operator, after signing the protocol, sends all documents of the winner together with the protocol to the Privatization Authority.



How to pay the registration and guarantee fee to register an offer for an auction of the sale of a small privatization object?

Guarantee and registration fee must be paid necessarily from the account of the participant, opened in a Ukrainian or foreign bank. In this case, both payments are paid separately indicating in the receipt name of payment (guarantee / registration fee), and also the auction identifier.



Not receiving SMS with confirmation of registration?

SMS message with registration confirmation code arrives within 5-10 minutes, after clicking the "Register" button.

In case, if, the waiting time for receiving an SMS message, the “Register” button was clicked repeatedly, the system automatically generates a certain number of codes , which are transmitted to your mobile operator, as the result is a queue and, as a result, there is a delay in delivery of messages. In this case, wait 20-30 minutes, click the "Register" button again and wait for the receipt of the message with the registration confirmation code.

It is necessary to check the correctness of the entered number of the mobile phone.

Turn off / on mobile phone, or restart it.

In case the above actions are completed and the message is not received, it is necessary to turn to the hotline for the users by the number 044-499-11-91.



How to get an invoice for making a guarantee fee?

To receive an invoice for payment of a guarantee fee, the participant must do the following actions:

1. Choose an appropriate lot in your personal account.

2. Opposite the size of the guarantee fee, click the button “Form an account in the amount of the guarantee fee”. In the window that opens, you will have the opportunity to select bank details for payment of the account.

 3. Click the button “Get an invoice” and “Download”.



How to find an interesting lot for me?

Search system of the platform, displays all auctions posted on the system ProZorro.Sales. In the “Actual auctions” tab, define search options and click the button “Search”. The search is possible with the following parameters:

ꟷ             by keywords, for example: real estate, car, property, etc.;

ꟷ             exact match, for example: Car Volkswagen Passat;

ꟷ             by trades organizer - specify the organizer name or USREOU code, the system will display all the auctions announced by the bank, in the status of submission of offers;

ꟷ             by СAV code – determining the appropriate code for the classifier, for example: real estate, the system will provide with all auctions in which this code is installed at the time of publication of the auction;

ꟷ             by Auction ID – each announcement about auction has an individual number, for which it is possible to find a lot in the system, for example: UA-EA-2017-01-10-000001-c;

ꟷ             the option “All regions” allows you to search for lots in a particular region;

ꟷ             through the “Advanced search” option, it is possible to set additional criteria for the selection of lots;

ꟷ             icons will give you the opportunity to pick up the required lots by type, for example: small privatization, claims rights, residential property, etc.



How to save an interesting lot to me?

When you find an interesting lot for you, but you want to continue viewing the following announcements, You can secure an auction at the authorized user's account by clicking “Asterisk” right from the title of the auction. The auction announcement is stored in the “My offers” / “Favorites” tab.



How to change the password for accessing the user's account?

In the user's account you need to open the tab “Settings”- “General settings” - “Change the password to access the account”, in field “Old password” you need to enter your current password, in the next two fields enter a new password, click the button “Save” (a yellow frame “Changes saved” should appear).  



Forgot your password to login to user’s account?

To enter the account without using the access password, you need to enter an e-mail and click the button “Forgot”, then to the email address (which is your login) you will receive a letter with password reminder from the platform OpenAuctions.Online. In the letter, you must click on the phrase “By this link” or perform the following action described in the letter (In this case, all tabs with the address must be closed). After entering the account in the tab “Settings”- “General settings” under field “Old password” click the phrase “Get a temporary password by e-mail”. You will receive an SMS with the current password on the mobile phone specified in the profile.



How to go to the site of holding an electronic auction as a participant?

The participant who submitted closed price offer has two options to go to the site of holding an electronic auction as a participant:

1. Receives an individual link to the email specified at registration, by which participant enters the module of holding an auction.

2. In your personal account, go to the lot, in which you participate,sink down the page and click the button “ENTER THE AUCTION AS A PARTICIPANT”.

At the moment of the auction start the system opens the number of registered participants by numbers and their bids.A participant who crossed by an individual link sees himself, as “YOU”. The winner is determined automatically - the participant who gave the biggest price offer at the end of the third round. And at the same rates the participant who submitted the offer earlier.

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